Sunday, September 30, 2012

No, I put your hack on YOUR blog -- muahahahah!!!

This is a hack I repeat this is a hack, except not. But this is Luke. Muhuhahahahahahaha. I bet this isn't what you expected, I bet you were expecting my mom, but nooooOOOOOooooo... anyways I'm here to update what my mom said about that bikeride. I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dead, but that wasn't my fault, my seat on the bike was way too low, so my legs were pretty much bent the whole time. So Quinn made me ride his too tall bike which was so tall that I was too afraid to stop for fear of falling. Turns out I didn't fall when I stopped, I just came close. My mom also said that I should "do something to get back in shape before the 50" and I didn't believe her, but I didn't have too seeing as it was my bikes fault. I also spent many hours on saturday washing endless stacks of trays with my coworkers, when we were done I felt like we deserved several green cards, but that wasn't going to happen even if I asked. I liked being a runner better... cuz then if no one was getting food from your cash register you could just sit around. Anyways, I haven't been doing much in my spare time, I pretty much just update my book, read other books, play Ocarina of Time, and I'll prolly start working out more tomorrow. Oh, and Quinn totally hasn't started shopping for his mission, he's too lazy to do that. I'll prolly miss the guy while he's gone, but I don't miss him much when he's at college so it won't be too bad, maybe if I'm lucky when he comes back I'll be taller than him, I have a feeling it will take longer than that though. In closing, I would like to wish all of yall peoples a happy Valentines day.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

More books every person should read!

Everybody should read books, books are knowledge.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 10+ The Hobbit 10+ the encyclopedia of dinosaurs 6+

Warriors 8+ Seekers 8+ Little House in the Woods series 7+ The Bible 10+

The Book of Mormon 10+

Monday, January 26, 2009

list of books every person should read.

I decided to make a list of books I think everybody should read.
the chronicles of Narnia series ages 10+ the lord of the rings trilogy ages 13+

James and the giant peach ages 6-10 the phantom tollbooth 8-10

5000 year leap ages 15+ Dr. Seuss books 4-7

Robert Frost poems 10+

Friday, December 19, 2008

Georgia Times

Visit to make your own!

I STILL love dinosaurs!

Dinosaurs are awesome. Dinosaurs are good. Dinosaurs are awesome like a glob of glue. ^-^

Tuesday, February 19, 2008



allosaurus, brachiosaurus, carnotaurus, deinonychus, edmontosaurus, fabrosaurus, gallimimus, herrerosaurus, iguanodon, janeschia, kentrosaurus, lambeosaurus, miasaura, nanotyrannus, oviraptor, parasaurolaphus,
quaesitosaurus, riojasaurus, stegasaurus, triceratops, ultrasaurus, velociraptor, wannanosaurus, xenotarsosaurus, yangchuanosaurus, zephyrosaurus.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Blog

HI! this is L. R. Georgia and welcome to my BLOG! (well that was really weird) Anyway, probably my favorite thing to do is draw draw draw. Then there's paleontology -- well I don't know were it came from but I looooooooooooooooooooove dinosaurs. If you put them together you get DRAWING DINOSAURS! So thats pretty much my favorite thing to do ever!